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I sat down with Libby Woffindin, the Director of Nook Volleyball, to talk about volleyball at The Nook, fun facts about herself, and some of her favorite things.
Q&A with Libby
Q: Tell me about your volleyball career.
A: I'm from Allentown, PA, where I played club Volleyball for five years. I played 12s, then took 2 years off, then played 15s, plus. I got a scholarship to play at Shippensburg University, where I broke blocking record for the season my junior year. I coached club through college and after graduating. I moved to Lancaster when I got an assistant coaching job at Millersville University.
Q: What makes Nook Volleyball different?
A: We’re not outcome focused. We train long-term athletes. What we prioritize as a program is skills development and player development. Wins and losses aren’t the end all, be all to us. If we train people the way they should be, winning will become a bi-product of that.
Q: What advice do you have for young players?
A: As hard as it is, you need to try to pick a program that’s going to develop you long-term and has your shared core values. Don’t pick a club based on who you think will win. Go where you think you’ll be best trained, best coached, and will provide the best connections for future.
Q: What’s your philosophy for the sport?
A: Ball control is above all else. Everyone wants to be an attacker, but if your team can’t serve or pass, you’re never going to be able to run the offense you want to run. So, we focus and train hard on your first touch.
Fun Facts
Q: What's something most people don't know about you?
A: I love watching documentaries on Netflix.
Q: If you could meet a fictional character, who would you choose?
A: I have two. Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I feel like she was so far ahead of her time and we would get along super well. Everyone should be more like her. Also, Christina Yang from Grey’s Anatomy. She’s unapologetic for how awesome she is, and she just owns it.
Q: If you were an animal, what would you be?
A: Shark. They’re powerful, fast, and represent things that I aspire to be without being sneaky and cunning. Sharks can only swim forward, and they can’t stop swimming or they’ll drown
Q: What’s one of the best pieces of advice you’ve ever gotten?
A: You can only control yourself – you can’t control how others respond to you.
Q: Describe yourself in 3 words.
A: Courageous. Stubborn. Determined.
Q: Describe your coaching style in 3 words.
A: Tough. Encouraging. Motivational.
Q: Finish this sentence. I want to be known as someone who _____________:
A: inspires others to inspire others.
Q: Finish this sentence. When people think of Nook Volleyball, I want them to think _____________:
A: "You can tell those girls have been trained the right way".
Libby's Favorites
Last show watched: Grey’s Anatomy
Throwback jam: Baby Boy – Beyonce and Saun Paul
Karaoke go-to: Unstoppable by Drake
Sport to play other than your own: High jumping
What did you want to be when you grew up: Veterinarian
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite food: Parmesan-crusted chicken
Favorite color: Purple
This or that?
M&Ms or Reeses pieces? Reeses pieces
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Netflix or Hulu? Netflix
Oceans or mountains? Oceans
Batman or Superman? Neither. Wonder Woman.
Morning bird or Night owl? Morning bird.
Cake or ice cream? Cake
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