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Summer Camps

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Summer Camp Registration is Open!

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Contact Us
Spooky Nook Sports believes in giving back to the communities in which we operate by participating in events, such as community festivals, or partnering with groups, such as minor league sports teams, that are important to the community as a whole.

Eligible organizations:

We support non-profit organizations only, defined as charitable corporations that have been granted tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.We ask that organizations requesting support provide a minimum of 12 weeks’ notice prior to your event. Your request must serve individuals within the Central Pennsylvania area, centered around Lancaster. Your organization must have an emphasis on causes that support local children and/or healthy living.

Ineligible organizations:

We cannot offer donations to individuals, families, or political campaigns, or religious, fraternal or labor organizations. We can only give to tax-exempt, non-profit organizations as defined by IRS Code 501(c)(3). Application for Consideration: Donation requests must be made in writing 12 weeks prior to the date in which the donation is needed. NO phone calls, voicemails or mail-in information will be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

All requests must include:

  • TAX ID:  Your tax ID number and the state where you are formally registered as a not-for-profit/tax exempt organization as defined by IRS Code 501(c)(3).
  • SUMMARY:  A 200-word targeted summary about your organization, including what you do, whom you help and where you receive your primary funding.
  • REQUEST:  Your specific request (product or grant, including the specific amount needed), why the requested support is needed, and the deadline for receiving the support.
  • WHO WILL BENEFIT:  Whom your request will help, including the age range of individuals who will benefit.
  • WEBSITE:  Link to your organization’s website. IF we feel there is a potential opportunity, we will respond.