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5 Secrets to Fitting Fitness Into Your Life


We have all been told time and time again that fitness should play a vital role in our lives. For some, maintaining a constant exercise schedule into your daily routine is not as easy as it sounds. If you are someone who struggles to find ways to exercise every day, check out these five tips.

  1. Take the Stairs

The stairs are a great way to easily burn a few calories throughout the day. Stair climbing will help you build and maintain joints, muscles and healthy bones. It has actually been scientifically proven that using the stairs burns more calories than jogging. Individuals will see a vast difference in their bodies if they make a conscious effort skip the elevator and take the stairs. To learn more about the health benefits of climbing the stairs, please click here.

  1. Clean Your House

Like any physical activity, chores you do around the house can tone your muscles and burn calories. A few tips to make the most out of your household chores are:

  • Do lunges while you vacuum.
  • Carry your laundry basket from room to room.
  • When putting dishes away, keep your body forward and twist to reach the cabinets to activate your core.
  • Squat when you are reaching those high/low spaces throughout your house.
  • Get on your hands and knees when your cleaning your floors. Use circular motions to work those arm muscles!
  1. Exercise While You Watch TV

Commercial breaks offer viewers the perfect amount of time to squeeze in a few simple exercises. The best part is, no equipment is needed! The next time you find yourself bored during a commercial break, try doing some variations of push-ups, crunches, squats or lunges. You can cycle through these different exercises to create the perfect full-body workout.

  1. Go the Distance

Make the effort to move more! Moving can help you live a longer, healthier life. Choose the farthest parking spot, take a loop around your building before heading in or get off the subway a stop early. There are endless possibilities throughout the day for you to get some extra steps in. Pay attention and take advantage of those opportunities to burn a few extra calories.

  1. Dance Like No One’s Watching

Dancing is a simple way to get your heart rate up and have fun. Studies have found that a dance exercises are just as effective for weight loss as cycling and jogging. Discover some of the health benefits dancing can provide you in the list below.

  • Increases your strength and balance
  • Improves your cardiovascular health
  • Weight management
  • Enhance mental functioning
  • Improves the condition of your heart and lungs


Have a Flexible Definition of Exercise

The key to easily fitting Fitness into your life is to have a flexible definition of exercise. This means that exercise doesn’t specifically need to happen at a gym. You can burn calories doing a number of activities, such as:

  • Taking a bike ride around your neighborhood
  • Use a push mower when cutting your grass
  • Take a walk during your lunch break
  • Walk to your favorite nearby park
  • Do some gardening around your house

The Spooky Nook Fitness Center is designed to accommodate people of all levels of fitness. Our facility offers over 60,000 square feet of workout space that includes LifeFitness equipment, Jacobs ladders, free weights, boxing rig, group exercise classessenior exercise programs, pickle ball courts, 200 meter indoor track, child watch, member-exclusive turf field, ninja warrior training area and a free fitness orientation. If you are interested in learning more, click the link below. 

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