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2015 Year in Review & New Year Resolutions
Spooky Nook Sports has a lot to be thankful for in 2015! This year we expanded our facility to include the Warehouse Hotel and Forklift & Palate Restaurant. We added Spooky Nook Cheerleading and Spooky Nook Ice Hockey to our repertoire of sports. We added 50,000 square feet to our fitness center, the Nook Performance Training Center. Finally, we added more event space with the use of the hotel atrium and Olympic Hall.
Thank you to our amazing members and customers that support us every day in addition to our dedicated hardworking staff!
Also, to kick off the New Year, we asked some of our employees what their New Year’s Resolutions are for 2016! Here is what they had to say:
“To live a happy, healthier lifestyle!” - PR & Communications Manager
“To be a better person.” – Event Service Manager
“Go to yoga class every Tuesday (no skipping!)” – Marketing Manager
“Find more ways to do random acts of kindness.” – Birthday & Programming Coordinator
“Make more of an effort to volunteer my time to a good cause.” – Business Coordinator
“To eat more fruits and vegetables.” – Event Sales Manager
“Save money to buy a house!” – Sales Coordinator
“Celebrate life each day!” – Director of Sales