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Which Step Tracker Is Best For You?


“Buzz, buzz, buzz,” sounds the Fitbit when you reach your goal of 10,000 steps! Whether you want to count your calories or just count your steps, these four step trackers have been voted the best by our Spooky Nook team members.

Alyssa Stefanadis, the Nook’s Fitness Director, says you should choose a step tracker based on your particular goals. “If you like competition, choose one that challenges you. If you want accountability, choose one that holds you most accountable,” Stefanadis said. Stefanadis has the Nike+ FuelBand and says it works pretty well for her active lifestyle.

CyndiLou Foster, the Nook’s Sales Director, loves her Jawbone UP. “I can monitor my sleep patterns and my calories with my Jawbone,” Foster said. “It also sends me motivational quotes based upon my pre-determined goals and makes recommendations on foods,” Foster added.

Alyssa Matangos, the Nook’s PR & Communications Manager, has a Fitbit Flex. “I use my Fitbit to count my steps. I like the sense of accomplishment I feel when I hit my goal. Seeing it flash and feeling it buzz on my wrist, really helps to motivate me.” Matangos also added that she likes how the Fitbit synchronizes with her MyFitnessPal app so she can count her calories as well as her steps.

Troy Steffy, the Nook’s Baseball Director, has a Microsoft Band. “I like tracking my sleep with the Microsoft Band. It lets me know if I had restful sleep compared to a light sleep and how many hours of each,” Steffy said. He also likes the additional features it offers like: viewing text messages, setting the band to run or bike mode, and the ability to search different exercise programs and customize them.

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