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What Happens to a Brain on Yoga


It’s a Tuesday morning and as I open my eyes my mind is already wandering to the wedding favors I still have to make, the table linens I have to buy, the ring I have to get resized, the rehearsal dinner invitations I need to send, and the wedding dress payment I need to make. I could go on. Since my fiancé and I are getting married in 46 days, I have contracted a condition that I have begun to call “Wedding Brain.” The combined joys and stresses of planning a wedding are overwhelming, so the medicine I prescribe for “Wedding Brain” is yoga.

Yoga classes at Spooky Nook Sports with Jane begin calmly. In a dark, quiet room carefully set with flickering artificial candles, we are coaxed into letting the stresses of our day drop from our brains onto the floor. For an hour, your only thought is your breath.

A brain on yoga becomes highly focused. After a few minutes of stretching poses, we focus on our triceps, and that’s when the brain has to focus on the breath while allowing the muscles to burn. Chaturangas over and over are sure to tone your arms because they are tough! (Click here to learn about Chaturangas.)

Now Jane takes us into Crescent Lunge and my brain is focused on my breath, the burn in my thighs, and my balance. There’s no space in my mind for “Wedding Brain” and I’ve forgotten about the stresses of my day lying on the floor. If I get distracted for even a second, I feel like I’m going to fall, so I turn my thoughts back to my breath and relief sets in.

At the end of a yoga practice my entire body is tired, from shoulders to feet. If anyone thinks yoga is easy, they should come to Jane’s class and give it a try. Yoga challenges both mind and body – which makes it a holistic exercise. Yet I feel mentally relieved and rejuvenated. My brain feels fresh and clean. This peaceful way to build strength is also medicine for the mind.

If you want to try a yoga class, check out the schedule here!


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