Geothermal Heating & Cooling
The Nook & Warehouse Hotel installed 48 geothermal wells for heating and cooling. Geothermal energy systems rely on the earth’s natural energy by circulating water from a heat pump inside the building through piping to the bottom of the wells. These systems produce virtually no greenhouse gases reducing the facility’s carbon footprint that can affect our climate and wildlife.

Rain Water Collection
The Nook and Warehouse Hotel collect rain water off of part of our roof. The facility collects enough water to fill 4,122 Olympic-sized swimming pools! Water conservation is important for future generations, protect our natural eco-system, saves energy, and more. Water equals life which is how we live on mother Earth.

All of the 135 guest rooms in the Warehouse Hotel have key-activated lights and heating/cooling. When guests leave their room and remove their key from the system, the lights and air instantly turn off saving energy. Not only does this save costs for our facility, but it reduces the carbon footprint of each person by .15 pounds per hour which adds up after 135 guest rooms per day!

Laundry Practices
If a Warehouse Hotel guest is staying longer than one night, we give them the option of having their bed linens laundered to conserve water. Bed linens are changed every third day if they opt out. Not only can this practice save water but, reduce the amount of detergent being used. Detergents can run off into bodies of water causing harm to aquatic life.

Reclaimed Decor
In the Warehouse Hotel and Forklift & Palate Restaurant, we reuse pallets from deliveries in the wall décor and bar siding, cable spools are turned into tables, and original warehouse beams in guest rooms. By recycling cable spools and pallets, it helps to reduce levels of deforestation, create a cleaner environment, and reduce in soil erosion.

Cardboard Recycling
With many deliveries at The Nook each day, we make a conscious effort to recycle cardboard, bottles, paper, and other recyclables among our staff and customers. By saving one ton of cardboard saves over 9 cubic yards of landfill space, 700 gallons of water, and 46 gallons of oil.