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Summer Camps

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Summer Camps

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Group Fitness

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The Spooky Nook Sports Champion Mill Fitness Center features dynamic, energetic and results-driven group fitness classes. Our expert and certified instructors bring enthusiasm and passion to every class. This is the perfect opportunity to meet new people while getting a great workout in a group setting. Non-members can purchase open classes when available.

Read our Group Fitness descriptions→


Adult Group Fitness

May Group Fitness Schedule

Kids Group Fitness Classes

Check back for future classes!


Continue reading below or read our Group Fitness descriptions.


Meet Our Group Fitness Instructors

Amanda Spaulding (1)

Rachel Canepa

Amanda Spaulding (1)

Rachel Canepa

Amber Clay

Amber Clay

Boot Camp, Pilates, Cycle
Amber Clay

Amber Clay

Boot Camp, Pilates, Cycle
Kristi Hodges

Kristi Hodges

Nook Fit, Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching
Kristi Hodges

Kristi Hodges

Nook Fit, Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching
Ally Keown

Ally Keown

Turn Up Dance Fitness
Ally Keown

Ally Keown

Turn Up Dance Fitness
Amanda Spaulding (2)

Adrienne Morton

Tread & Train
Amanda Spaulding (2)

Adrienne Morton

Tread & Train
Karla Patino

Karla Patino

Zumba, Strong Nation, and Circle Mobility
Karla Patino

Karla Patino

Zumba, Strong Nation, and Circle Mobility
Nancy Roberto

Nancy Roberto

Nancy Roberto

Nancy Roberto

Amanda Spaulding

Amanda Spaulding

Personal Training, Cycle, HIIT, Butts & Guts, Row & Strength, Nook Rx
Amanda Spaulding

Amanda Spaulding

Personal Training, Cycle, HIIT, Butts & Guts, Row & Strength, Nook Rx


ROW & STRENGTH (60 min) a balanced class that uses rowing to engage the core, upper body and lower body. Combining multiple circuits throughout the class keeps your muscles guessing and challenged! 

NOOK FIT (45 min), designed by a personal trainer, this coach-led workout, supportive atmosphere and progressive programming will help you reach your goals. Think full body! Prepare your body with a dynamic warm up then strengthen your muscles through squatting, reaching pulling and lifting. This well-rounded class will keep you strong with balance, power, mobility and breath work. 

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HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) (45 min) This class is designed to give you the ultimate calorie burn! Short rounds of high impact exercises combined with strength-based exercises challenges your cardiovascular and muscular systems. 

BOOT CAMP (60 min) uses interval training combining strength training, body weight exercises and cardio. You will challenge your body with a variety of exercises resulting in stronger muscles, increased calories burned and improved body composition. 

CYCLE (45 min) If you are a serious cyclist, fitness guru or someone who loves the calorie burn of Spinning, this is the class for you! It's a class full of hills, sprints, switch backs and just plain sweat that gives you a great cardio and strength workout! 

ROW & STRENGTH (60 min) a balanced class that uses rowing to engage the core, upper body and lower body. Combining multiple circuits throughout the class keeps your muscles guessing and challenged!

ZUMBA®️ (60 min) is a fitness program that involves cardio and Latin-inspired dance. This dance class features high- and low-intensity intervals that help improve cardiovascular fitness while also enhancing balance, coordination, agility and to some degree, strength through the application of beginner-accessible choreography. Zumba®️ targets many different muscle groups at once for total body toning. 

STRONG NATION®️ (45 min) is a full body workout that incorporates muscle conditioning, cardio, HIIT, plyometric training and martial arts elements. Every lunge, squat, push-up and move is perfectly synced to music making the workout more efficient. 

TREAD & TRAIN (60 min) is a HIIT-based workout that incorporates varying speeds and elevations of the treadmill with strength-based exercises to create the ultimate calorie burn. This is perfect for a finisher workout or Heart Rate Zone Training.

TURN UP DANCE FITNESS (45 min) This dance fitness format uses hip hop movements and popular music to guide participants through a full body workout.

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YOGA STRETCH & STRENGTH (60 min) Build full body confidence with energetic Ashtanga flow. This approachable yet challenging class is the perfect supplement for all seeking balance. 

ENERGIZING YOGA (60 min) will make you sweat as you are led through an energetic series of poses that will challenge your strength and stability while improving your flexibility and endurance. This class targets a variety or muscle groups by incorporating purposeful standing and balancing postures, along with a strong emphasis on core throughout.

PILATES (60 min) is a strengthening and lengthening form of exercise that focuses on your core while helping to improve posture and flexibility.  



CYCLE (45 min) If you are a serious cyclist, fitness guru or someone who loves the calorie burn of Spinning, this is the class for you! It's a class full of hills, sprints, switch backs and just plain sweat that gives you a great cardio and strength workout!


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