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HAMILTON — In honor of National ice Cream Month, Spooky Nook Sports Champion Mill is excited to announce a new tenant within the complex. Long-time Hamilton fixture, Flub's Ice Cream will join the concessions team at the sports complex. Upon opening, this will be the business' fourth location. This beloved ice cream shop offers all kinds of sweet treats from soft serve and sundaes to banana splits, slushies and 44 different flavors of their signature Cyclones.
Spooky Nook Sports and Flub's are excited to partner in the new complex. Owner Brian, said, "We are thrilled to be a part of the new Spooky Nook Sports Champion Mill! We have had a loyal following throughout the area for more than 50 years and we are excited to share our delicious ice cream with visitors who will come to Spooky Nook from across the country. Flub's is excited to add another location and expand our presence in the Butler County community."

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